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Injectafer Manufacturer Coupon

Offer 1

Pay As Little As $50 For First Dose Injectafer Manufacturer Offer

Manufacturer Coupon 2025


With the Injectafer Savings Program, eligible patients may pay as little as $50 on their first dose and $0 for additional doses of Injectafer.

You may register online for the program. Call 1-877-448-4766 for questions about the program. Patients may receive up to $500 per dose with a maximum benefit of up to $1,000 per course of treatment. Enrollment is valid per 12-month period for 2 course of treatment. Program is valid for commercially insured or cash paying patients.

Offer provided by:
Daiichi Sankyo

NOTE: This is an offer provided by the manufacturer.

Offer 2

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